We love DOiNG GOOD in the world … and so do our clients! We’re DOiNG GOOD with branding & design every day for business owners just like you.
Simply, we exists to help your business reach more clients and customers. Along the way, we hope to change the world a bit.
We wouldn’t be DOiNG GOOD unless we lived it ourselves. We choose to live conscious lifestyles. Overall wellness is the focal point of our daily routines. We even donate a portion of our revenue to local and international charities.
Our motto is to live our passion every day while improving the world branding, communication and design. We help our clients do the same.
Dawud Miracle
Founder, Chief Strategist

Hi there. That’s me, Dawud, the guy you see to the right. It’s pleasure to meet you.
I designed and developed my first website back in 1998 for a friend. One led to two, two to ten and ten to more than 25 years of website design and online business development experience. It’s safe to say I’ve seen many website trends come and go. My vast experience keeps me focused on the forward evolution of how business is done on the internet rather than on fads and short-lived trends.
I grew up in Waterford, Michigan, about 45 minutes north of Detroit. Sports, health and outdoor pursuits have been and remain an integral part of my life. As have personal growth, alternative medicine and spirituality. Over the past 30 years I’ve had an eclectic array of experiences from studying Bio-Medical Engineering at Purdue University to being a buyer at the largest single-store Patagonia wholesaler in the U.S. to having an alternative healing practice in California (which I used a website to grow).
Among my outdoor pursuits, I’ve summited Mount Rainier, done multi-week kayak expeditions on both coasts, ice climbed in North Conway, NH, canyoneered throughout Utah and spent more than 450 nights backpacking across the U.S. One of my favorite accomplishments is I’ve hiked every mile of trails in Grand Teton National Park. All this by the time I was 30.
When I started designing website it was very different than today. Back then people were happy to just have a website for their business. There wasn’t much competition so getting found was easy. But that’s changed over time. By the mid-2000’s it became much more difficult to get found online. With exponentially growing competition it was no longer enough to just have a website. To really get results today you need business skills like branding, marketing and sales became important.
With those business skills I went from simply designing websites to developing full online business platforms. That’s what I’ve been doing since. And that’s what DOiNG GOOD does today.
I’m deeply fortunate to have 4 school-aged kid, all whom have incredible talents and zest for life. Together we live in Boulder, Colorado where we spend at much time outdoors as we can. We strive every day to balance work, school, extracurriculars and friends with life and adventure; camping and hiking as much as we can. Though sometimes challenging, life is good!
Favorite Quote:
“A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery